Friday Night Foiled!

Yes, my Friday Night Sew-in was foiled…by FATIGUE!

It has been a very busy week.  Those of you who have visited and left comments, I hope to answer later on today. 

So, anyway, after getting Husband off for his part-time night job (barely on time) and after dinner (only a little late) and after spending time with my children (very worthwhile) and after getting them in bed (late) and after cleaning up a little (too late), I sat down on the couch for “just a few minutes.”

I woke up just after midnight.  Too late to call it a Friday Night Sew-in and certainly too late to get started. 

So I went to bed.

Maybe I will try for a Saturday Night Sew-in? 

Thanks, anyway, to our hosts.  I am sure other people had a great time. And I did enjoy my sleep.

6 thoughts on “Friday Night Foiled!

  1. Sometimes we need sleep more than sewing! Glad you treated yourself. If you were that tired, you might be spending today with the seam ripper anyway.

  2. glad you got your sleep..i actually did sew last night but will be finishing what i started or hope to come close to it later today and possibly into did the important things—taking care of your family and your health!! nothing to apologize for!!!!

  3. Never apologize for taking care of yourself. Your body told you that you needed to rest, and you honored it by doing so. Every mom in the world understands!

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