Small Someday #1: Potholders

These potholders started as the small leftover scraps from the Food Scraps quilt completed earlier this year.

There wasn’t much, but there was enough for potholders.


I started with a 9″x9″ foundation piece and just choose a layout that I liked.  Add a few pieces, iron open, trim threads, repeat.


Then trim it down to size–8-1/2″ square. Layer with a piece of cotton batting, a piece of insulbrite, back and top. Simple wavy quilting.



Bind (I use 2-1/2″ strips for these because they are a little thicker).


Ta-dah!  Potholders.

I feel successful and the scraps are much happier used than hidden away.  My goal is to do one small project each week or so for a while.  Now I need to go dig through the piles and choose the next one.

11 thoughts on “Small Someday #1: Potholders

  1. Thanks for your wonderful ideas. I think I will be making some potholders! I have quite a bit of vegetable and fruit fabrics too, enough that I made one fruit quilt and one vegetable quilt. I like your radish fabric–that I don’t have. Have you ever seen rhubarb fabric? I haven’t, but am always in search of some. Thank you. Vicky

  2. Love them – they are especially cute with the fabrics you used. I definitely need knew pot holders. Thank you for your post!

  3. Just inspired me to do something similar. Thanks so much. To accomplish something every week is definitely a do-able goal, and not so intimidating as working on an ongoing long project. I did get one small item done last night that I’d been trying to get to for over a month. Still have one more of those that I hope to finish this evening, if I can pull myself away from this computer. lol
    PS, still haven’t done anything with the Crayola fabrics you sent me, except cut out that tape mark in all of them. Just recently filled up my scrap drawer, so will pull that stuff out & get going on some pot holders too. Get a head start some Christmas gifts.

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