Simple Speedy Stocking Tutorial

Yes, there are much more fancy stockings out there, but sometimes fast and simple is what you are looking for.

I like this version because it uses whatever fabric you have on hand, makes up quickly and feels substantial (not cheap) when finished.  A gift appropriate for and appreciated by just about anyone.



stocking pattern (Yep, that is my holey, stained, well-used one.  I don’t know how the grease got there. I probably don’t want to know.) Printable version below.

1/3 yard fabric or enough scrap to cut pattern four times


1. Print or draw your own stocking pattern about 10″ wide and 12″ tall.  I find this is large enough to look and feel generous without being so large it is impossible to fill properly. (Sorry about JPG pattern pieces, but I can’t figure out how to get them PDF right now.  If you click to full size and print it should work.  I hope.  If not, e-mail me or leave a comment and I will e-mail them to you.)

2. Cut four copies of the pattern out of your fabric.  Two pairs right sides together is probably easiest, but you can do other things, too.  Also, one piece of fabric approximately 2 1/2″ x 6″ for the loop.

***I can’t believe I didn’t take a picture of this step, but I didn’t, so I guess you get to use your imagination***

3. Fold the loop piece in half, then open up and fold each half towards the middle.  The goal is to end up with a long, thin piece four thickness of fabric and no raw edges showing.

4. Sew up the open side of the fold about 1/4″ or closer to  the edge to seal it up.

5. Sew the two pairs of fabric faces around three sides, but not the top, with about 1/4″ seam allowance. 

6.  For the piece that will be your LINING,  iron, leaving it right sides together and turn down towards the OUTSIDE  about a 3/8 -1/2″ fold. 

7. For the piece that will be your OUTSIDE , turn right side out and iron, turning down towards the INSIDE about a 3/8 -1/2″ fold.

8. Stuff the LINING into the OUTSIDE.  They should be wrong sides together.  In other words, no seams showing and the folds facing one another in the opening.

9. Fold the loop piece in half and insert it between the LINING and OUSIDE layers.  I like my stockings to hang pointing right, so I face the stocking that way and put the loop between the layers on the side facing away from me.

10. Line up the side seams and top stitch the layers together, going around the outside edge of the stocking.  I like to backstitch through the loop area to make sure it doesn’t tear loose.

11.  Ta-dah!  A finished stocking. 

Now, go make one (or five, or twenty-three).  They are quick and easy and so much fun to share.  Don’t just think Christmas fabric either.  Use any fabric you like, the shape is the only critical part.  Get a fun novelty print and customize a Christmas stocking for anyone on your list, or your favorite charity.

Thanks for stopping by.  Please feel free to use this tutorial for personal projects or charitable works.  Also, do ask questions as needed.  And I look forward to hearing and seeing how your stockings turned out.

5 thoughts on “Simple Speedy Stocking Tutorial

  1. that is neat..i make stockings and already have the pattern but i like the idea of it not having to be Christmas fabric..never even thought of that.. yours is a better more manageable size than mine..thanks for the tutorial..

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