Quilty Christmas Present

I was so surprised to open this present at Christmas

While recovering from Covid, I had a lot of reading and resting time. Finished the entire thing.

And learned a lot.

Somehow I thought that most old quilts weren’t very big. False. There are many quilts more than 200 years old that are more than 100-inches square.

Somehow I thought that handquilting in the past was mostly utilitarian. False. Handquilting has been decorative and elaborate in patterns that rival the most adept contemporary longarm designs.

Somehow I thought that old quilts were all handmade. False. They used machines whenever they had them, for quilting as well as piecing.

And the book is just plain beautiful.

Great quilty Christmas. I really enjoyed it and will use it for reference, inspiration and pleasure for years to come.

Indi-go Tote

This project came from the book Reinvention, which I borrowed from the local library.


I was so excited to give it a try. I still have a lot of my father’s old jeans that my mother saved for years.  And, I am happy with the results.

BUT, it was not without trial.  I don’t know about the rest of the patterns in the book, but this one had numerous errors.  The measurements were off both in cutting directions and finished sizes of components in at least 4 places.

That is too bad, because it is a great idea, but beware if you decide to give it a go.  That said, I may make another one at some point because it is super cool and quite useful.  I gifted it to a new teacher at our school who needed a better way to haul stuff around.  She seems quite pleased.

Charleston Pavement FINISHED

Charleston Pavement is the first big finish for the year.  YAY!


I love the pattern and am already planning a second quilt using it.


This one (and the next one) is a wedding quilt for a colleague.  She is getting married the first week of April.


I am so pleased at how it turned out.  Thank you, Shelly, for a great design.

New Rotary Cutter

About 9 years ago I took a chance on a “different” rotary cutter:  Martinelli’s.


It has served me well and faithfully, but, after who-knows-how-many-tens-of-thousands-of-cuts, it was just worn out.  I might have been able to get a replacement kit.

DSC01748.JPGBut, then I saw the new ones—BLUE!

And, that is how I got a new rotary cutter.


Charleston Pavement Quilt Top Finished

I was put on “house arrest” last week as weeks of messing around with a cold-sinus infection-laryngitis-cough evolved into pneumonia.  Again.  Sometimes it is hard to be grateful for circumstances.

But, on the bright side, between resting and napping and doing nothing, I did get a lot of sewing time.  I tidied my sewing room and evaluated projects.

Over a year ago, I won the Charleston Pavement pattern from Shelly at Prairie Moon Quilts.  (She is the same one who sponsors the 350 block project.) There was a handy pile of inherited scraps as a starting point.  There WERE a few things to be grateful for.


And the top is a finish!  (Pictures are a little tough right now because we have about 16″ of snow on the ground and it is snowing hard.  But that isn’t important.)


I am so pleased.  I highly recommend the pattern.  It would make a great Quilt of Valor, or wedding quilt (which is what this one is), or even an Eye-Spy.  It can use precut jelly roll (2-1/2″) strips or scraps.  Really, just so versatile.  This is one I will definitely make again.

Go check out Shelly’s store and get yourself a Charleston Pavement pattern.  You’ll be glad you did.

Rice Filled Heating Pads

One of my goals for 2019 is to make a Non-quilty project between quilts.  Here is my first for the year:  Rice Filled Heating Pads.  If you don’t know about these, they are wonderful.  Just rice in a bag, basically, heated briefly in the microwave. Warm, weighty, soothing and non-electrical.DSC01357










Thanks to Sew4Home for this fine tutorial: https://sew4home.com/projects/pillows-cushions/microwavable-rice-filled-heating-pads

I especially like the fill directions.  My first thought was to pour from the side and somehow make it all close up nicely…this is much better.

Two cozy pads of different sizes to fit the need.

If you are not familiar with Sew4Home, consider stopping by for NON-quilting tutorials and projects of all kinds.

Ah, sweet feeling of comfort and…Success!

A Fancy New Project

I bought a pattern.  This is news because it doesn’t happen very often.  But, this was too much to pass up:  Fancy Forest by Elizabeth Hartman. The pattern is available as a PDF or print version.  I got the print version.


Yesterday I started a quilt.  Grandchild #6 is due the first part of July and this is perfect.

No, it isn’t paperpiecing.  That is why I bought it.

Worth every penny!

I can see myself making a lot of these.

Sew Sweet Simplicity Final Blocks

It is hard to believe we are already at the final blocks of the Sew Sweet Simplicity Block of the Month.

I built two copies each of all six blocks.


Here is block 4 and bonus block 2.


And here are all twelve together.

Next comes a setting plan and final assembly of the top.  It is so exciting!  How is yours coming along?  I look forward to seeing all of them.

In the meantime, you can leave a comment here and at the other participating blogs for a chance to win more great prizes.  Jacquelynne is so generous with giveaways.


 Sew Sweet Simplicity Free BOM-January Giveaway

The giveaway will be open until February 2.

See you again next month!