Wrangling Up A Walker Caddy

As if life weren’t complicated enough, Husband had hip replacement surgery yesterday, Friday.

Fortunately, the procedure went very well and we are home in less than 24 hours.

We anticipate a speedy recovery, but, in the meantime he needs a few helpful objects so that he doesn’t just have to rely on the helpful wife.

So, this morning I woke up early and made him a caddy for his walker.

Just cut the top out of the top of a pair of jeans. I went between the bottom of the zipper and the crotch to make for an easier seam. Add twill tape to the side belt loops (I just tied it in place) and stitch more twill tape into the corners of the bottom seam.

Ta-dah. A functional caddy with many pockets in less than 30 minutes. YAY!

9 thoughts on “Wrangling Up A Walker Caddy

  1. What a great idea. I know independence is important, and this will help. Very clever for anyone using a walker, too.

  2. Great idea for a “guy” walker! I made a caddy for mine when I had a hip replacement, and we have lent the walker to friends who have had similar procedures, but I usually take the caddy off if it is a fella borrowing it :D. Perfect idea – wishing speedy recovery for Hubby

  3. You can also use a couple of hand towels & attach ribbons or twill & create pockets on both sides. Repaired s few while in Ohio for a cousin with broken ankle & later broken hip. She liked to change out fabrics from boredom. Was & is very social single lady with lots of friends for decades. Know she’s got to be going nuts with covid around, can’t get out & go these days. I feel so sad for her, her sr high school friends met monthly for lunch for over 40 yrs. They’re all going nuts by now. I got to go to those lunches for the 9 months I was there taking care of her, they were a blast. I was 10 when they all graduated & cousin was the beauty queen & head majorett in the marching band. Small town memories. Sorry folks just rattling on. LOL Y’all stay safe & healthy. God Bless ALL!

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