Sudden Changes (And Gratitude)

On January 15 Husband came inside after running the snowblower and said that he thought we might need to make an appointment with a cardiologist. He hadn’t been feeling well lately–tired and such–and we had attributed it to fatigue and stress. However, his father had his first heart attack at 40. Five heart attacks and a massive stroke later, he was dead 10 days before his 65th birthday.

I looked up a phone number. Husband called. After telling his story, the person on the phone said he should hold, and he was transferred. A woman introducing herself as Linsey said she was a cardiac nurse, and what was going on. She listened to his story and replied that he was NOT SAFE and needed to get himself to the emergency room. Now.

Within a few minutes we were in the car. Upon our arrival, the kind people at the emergency room got pretty excited. They did what they could do, and he was transferred to a local hospital. They put him in intermediate care and worked that night to stabilize him.

Tuesday morning, a cardiologist ran a series of tests and concluded that Husband had six blockages in the arteries of his heart, leaving them between 60 and 90% closed. He had not had a heart attack. Yet. All things considered, and depending on your belief system, he is either a walking miracle or a very lucky man. Or both.

However, the only solution was open heart bypass surgery, and he was scheduled for 7:30am Wednesday morning.

He was in the hospital for 8 days. He is 5 weeks into a 12-week three-times-a-week cardiac rehab program. We now own one of those prescription pill tracker boxes. We record vitals twice a day. We have had three follow-up appointments with the surgeon. It is six weeks and a few days since that surgery. Obviously, there is much about our lives that has changed.

Today is Husband’s 65th birthday. And we are celebrating together.

38 thoughts on “Sudden Changes (And Gratitude)

  1. So sorry you had to go through all that! Can only imagine how special today is for you both. Sending prayers for a full recovery and many happy years together.

  2. Very scary to go through a serious health issue like this. I’m glad your husband recognized something wasn’t right and that he got the medical care he needed. Wishing him a very happy birthday!

  3. Wow! So very glad your husband said something! Praise the Lord, everything happened as it did. The right people at the right places.

    Prayers and hugs as you go through this time, rethinking, food habits, etc.

    Take care!

  4. Oh, MY! Peace be with you all. So glad for the joyful outcome. Happy Birthday to Husband and prayers for many, many more.

  5. Happy Birthday Husband!! My heart goes out to both of you, it is a very scary situation. We all have our stories, glad this one is on a very positive note. Very fortunate he spoke up and everything is looking on the brighter side.

  6. My prayers and good wishes through this new journey for your hubby and yourself. He is a smart man for paying attention to a first sign. A great celebration for his 65th birthday – looking forward to healthy days ahead.

    Jean M

  7. Just take one day at a time. There is so much that they can do with the heart.

    I am so glad that everything worked out and my thoughts and prayers are with you.

    Elizabeth S.

  8. Happy Birthday to your husband. A smart man to listen to his body! Take care of himself as you take care of him.

  9. Smart man to realize he needed to see a doctor. Hope his recovery keeps on smoothly. Happy birthday to him!!

  10. It truly was a miracle. Thankful that he was wise enough to ask for help. My hubby has had heart issues as well.. Passing out in the grocery store, taken to the hospital. Found out that he was in AFib. He has not been feeling good either, but he is under a Dr. care. Wishing your hubby a Happy Birthday, and for him to enjoy many more.

  11. I thank God that you guys made the call, talked to the right person and got help! God is good. I follow your blog but I’m not one to comment much. This was too big of a thing not to comment.

  12. I’m so glad he told you he wasn’t feeling well!! Now he can totally recover. Prayers for both of you. Hugs,

  13. I am so thankful for you both. My husband had a heart episode in 2020. As they were giving him meds he started bleeding from the rectum. Turns out he had colon cancer. They put in a new heart valve and then he had the cancer removed. He would never have discovered the cancer had it not been for the heart. I thank God for the heart episode. He is ok now. It is so great you called right away, and a great nurse helped you get to the ER immediately.

  14. So very grateful your husband realized the signs and got the care he needed. Wishing him a very speedy recovery! Please take care of yourself also – I am sure this has been very difficult for you as well. Will be praying for you both during this time of healing.

  15. Happy Birthday to your husband! So glad you are able to celebrate it together. Sending prayers for his continued recovery (and for you too!). 

  16. So glad you he and you took it seriously! And a big thankyou to the cardiac nurse on the phone- that is what allowed you and him to celebrate his birthday this year. So glad he is doing well, and you and your family have more time with him.

  17. As many have said, thank goodness your husband said something. Most men are very reluctant to go to a doctor. So glad everything is okay now. I hope you both have a long, healthy and happy life together.

  18. What a wonderful birthday!

    I am glad he took the signs his body was sending as serious, and you both acted on them…

    Hooray for the both of you!

  19. Praise for your quick thinking. Fear was a great thing to have help you realize, he could be in danger. He’s a miracle! Happy Birthday husband!

  20. A walking miracle, yes! Thank you, Jesus. My husband is one who won’t say anything, your husband did the right thing. After my husband fell and broke his arm in Nov and it was found the reason for his fall, his heart wasn’t beating like it should and couldn’t pump the blood to where it needed to go making his steps weak so he had a pacemaker put in. He is stronger now (he’s 84) but is still being doctored for both. Deana, you and your husband are blessed.

  21. So glad he made the call!! So many men ignore symptoms. A similar story happened to a friend of mine here just a couple of months ago. He had 5 artery bypass. Readers, get your guys to have annual checkups with bloodwork! I have insisted on this for my husband every year and we caught his cancer early enough for him to get surgery and not need chemo or radiation. Early detection of heart problems can be managed with medications in a lot of cases. Best wishes to him for a complete recovery, and to you for peace of mind.

  22. Happy Birthday to your husband! I am so happy you could do that together and at home! Many, many more to come, in good health and happy times for both of you!

  23. Thankful for God’s hand of protection on your husband through this and as he heals from the surgery.

  24. I’m so glad your husband had enough sense to come inside to get you and let you know he needed help right away! Too many people try to tough it out or make their own way. As a result of which they are later found dead. It really is or can be a question of minutes.

    Wishing you both the patience required to get through rehab and recovery which will most likely not be fast. Nothing is when you (we) get older, and rushing it doesn’t work. 🫶

  25. Oh crikey! That was so lucky you both went to the hospital when you did! 

    My husband was at work when he had a heart attack, drove home from London thinking it was his back. We went to the doc because he had an ecg machine, but he made my husband do exercises first before wiring him up. He decided it was my husband’s back but if we wanted to go to the hospital we could take the readings with us. We did, and after 4 more hours and a new doc in charge at the hospital he got my husband on a gurney and we had to run to the theatre – with a nurse running with a defibrillator at his side in case! He had 2 blockages, one more serious, so had a stent. The other has been sorted with his meds. Bad local doctor – he was trained with the ecg machine and ignored the readings! My husband was 53 at the time. At the moment he’s in California exploring on USS Midway! I’m here on the farm – and sewing when it rains – which it seems to be doing all the time now! I’m done with aeroplanes!

    Wishing your husband a very speedy recovery and I understand the stresses you are likely to be having at the moment! All the best.

  26. I am so glad to hear that Husband is doing well. We had a very similar experience almost exactly a year ago, plus the added drama of an ambulance ride at 4:00 a.m. on a Sunday morning. We are all so lucky to live in this day of medicine.

    Like your husband, my husband is doing well. We feel like we dodged a bullet!

    Thank you so much for your blog. It inspires me all the time.

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