Just Because “Quilt” Rhymes With “Guilt”….

Just because “quilt” rhymes with “guilt” does not mean that the two were meant to go together.

All over blog-land there are people apologising for the size of their stash, and the number of works they have in progress, and the number of unfinished projects, and…well, you have probably read it too and get the idea.

Like many of you, I am contemplating goals for next year and here are some of my conclusions.

In 2011 I plan to:

1. Quilt. A lot.  The fact is that I like quilting and I am going to do quite a bit of it. General sewing, too.

2. Buy fabric. As much as I want and can afford.  Fabric makes me happy.  Fabric transformed into quilts, bags, skirts and other objects makes other people happy.  The world needs more happy people.  Therefore, I need more fabric.

3. Use scraps often.  Using scraps makes me happy.  If it doesn’t make you happy, give your scraps away and re-read #2.

4. Keep blogging.  When I started this blog earlier this year it was an experiment.  I am enjoying myself and plan to continue.  I hope you will continue reading.  That would make me happy.  But, whether I have one follower, or one hundred followers, or one thousand followers, I think I will do it anyway.

5. Write tutorials.  Hopefully, at least one a month.  This is a good goal, I think, because it pushes me to pay attention to my own ideas.  I think most of us have good ideas.  We just need to learn to listen to them.

SO, Happy New Year!  Quilt and be Happy!

ps–Do you have some guilt-free goals to share?  Oh, please do.  We all like happy news!

12 thoughts on “Just Because “Quilt” Rhymes With “Guilt”….

  1. Hi Deanna,

    I love your list! I havequite a stash, but as I’ve said before, not all too pretty. I feel guilty when I buy more, but will try to only supplement the stash. I absolutely love scraps!!! I want to make more quilts this year too. I haven’t sewn much since November, but will be starting a new baby quilt and posting the plans soon on my Angel Scraps Quilting Blog.
    I look forward to seeing your tutorials.

    Happy New Year!

  2. Bravo! I’m with you ~ leaving the apologies behind and doing what I love with passion and enthusiasm. Happy New Year!

  3. Oh…what wonderful guilt free goals…..

    For some reason my brain stopped functioning when my fabric was packed….I will have to think on your question and try to remember what all I have and don’t have.

    Least way….good luck and Happy New Years!!!

  4. Great goals!

    Like you, I love fabric….the looking, the feeling, the buying. I just spent almost a week reorganizing my stash…and had so much fun looking at all the bits and pieces. I never felt guilt over the size of it (although I did have a few “What was I thinking?” moments). Even so, my goal for 2011 is to work from what I have as much as possible NOT out of guilt but because I don’t really *need* anything else to create wonderful quilts/art and because all of my lovely fabric will be wasted if it’s never used.

    Have a wonderful 2011!

  5. I like your positive attitude! It makes me sad to read about all the folks being so negative about something they love. Positive goals are much more productive than negative ones anyway. I’m still thinking about mine.

  6. I love your goals and will make those mine too (at least 1-4) . I have a lot of fabric and proud of it. I will continue to buy fabric because, like you, it makes me happy. I will continue to make my list of resolution quilts but I know I won’t get them all done this year but that’s okay. Let’s keep it positive this year. Thanks.

  7. I LOVE your #2. Perfect and well said. I haven’t decided on my goals yet, perhaps my first goal should be to be more decisive. 🙂 I do think I will allow myself to collect fabric as I’ve collected papers. I could be like Ariel and say, “It’s just my collection!” Patterns and color really make me happy!!

  8. I’m with you regards blogging! I see these blogs with over one thousand followers and think – how did that happen? Answer- probably because they’ve hosted a giveaway with the condition that you become a follower! No don’t get me wrong I love my followers! But I want people to follow me because they like my blog and what I do, not what they can get/win! They probably don’t ever come back to visit anyway! So I don’t care whether I have 20 or 200 followers I’ll keep blogging cos it’s fun and you meet some amazing people! And so ends to day’s lesson!!! LOL!

  9. i love all my fabric, all my scraps , all my ideas most of which will never come to fruition—nope that isn;t a negative thought but a positive one..i am forever thinking of things i am going to do with that piece of fabric or this piece of fabric and i do not have enough time to do it all but it is so much fun..i love all your ideas..especially the blogging ones..you are the first blogger i have ever read..never been too interested in even looking–until a local quilt shop put the tutorial for the 10 minute table runner in their newsletter–hence the lead to you…i have enjoyed and will continue to enjoy you immensely…thanks for all your ideas…and i would love to see a tutorial once a month..that is about as many as i could handle i think…but this blog has led me on to many blogs but nobody does it better than you deanna…thank you!!! Happy New Year everybody!!!

  10. Your list is such an inspiration to go ahead and enjoy the processes of being a quilter. I too have more goals than I can finish in the time I have set set for myself. I have always believed that whatever happens in our lives was meant to be and the same goes for the quilting projects. I plan to take a very relaxed approach to quilting and everything else I will do in 2011.

Thanks for taking the time to comment. It is nice to hear from you.