A Nifty Gadget

My Father, maker of great QUILT RACKS (see above), brought me a gadget.

“Here,” he said.


Hmm…what is it?  Pretty fancy for a toilet paper holder…


Oh, yay!  A seam ripper.  With two sides.  In different sizes.  The wood is olive, from groves near Bethlehem….He made it on his lathe. Now, that is a nifty gadget!

13 thoughts on “A Nifty Gadget

  1. You can go online at Amazon and get yourself a stilleto to put in as well. My husband made me a beautiful set awhile back. Don’t let the wood dry out.

  2. That is BEAUTIFUL!!! He would sell those very easily if he wanted to make them to sell – all you would have to do is post it on your blog and he would be selling out quickly – I know I would by one for me and one for my best quilty friend 🙂

  3. I want one too! You have a very talented father and you are a very lucky daughter. No kidding I want one, how much?

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