May Block Report: Progress

As part of the 2014 350-block challenge, I have something worthwhile to report.  I made some blocks this month!

Not ready to share yet, but here are the ingredients,


and 31 blocks were made.

Not bad for the last month of school.  Summer should be a productive catch up time…I have all sorts of projects in mind.  Hopefully, more and more blocks to turn all these scraps and ideas into quilts!

8 thoughts on “May Block Report: Progress

  1. You have been missed, but understandable. You still have accomplished more than I have, and I don’t have an “out of home” job. Welcome back!

  2. Always enjoy your projects..waiting anxiously to see what these bundles become as I’ve bundles galore as well that need to be put into a project!

    Remember to find some ‘you time’ though

  3. somehow I missed the first part (and explanation) of the 2014 350 block challenge is there a way to be caught Up?

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