FNSI Report: Whew! That Was A Lot Of Sewing

Well, after more than a month of very little sewing, last night was all about sewing…and sewing…and sewing.  The men were gone for the evening and Sparkle Jane and I settled in and, to the accompaniment of an audio book, sewed until we suddenly realized it was 10:30pm.

Whew!  That was a lot of sewing.  Well, and some laundry.  Quite a lot of laundry, at first.

As that was in production, it was time to work on the Film at Five quilt.  And it is coming along.

If Saturday continues to be as promising as it has started, the quilt may very well be finished by the end of the week. And a tutorial.

As I was working on that, it was time to (naturally) start another project.  Everyone needs a leader-ender. Scrappy happy! Doesn’t that make perfect sense?!

9 thoughts on “FNSI Report: Whew! That Was A Lot Of Sewing

  1. love film at five but really love scrappy happy…that is a different psq pattern to me..can hardly wait for the tutorial on both..you did good!!! got a lot accomplished..all i got done were 2 quilts cut…

  2. That WAS a lot of sewing! Glad you had such a productive FNSI. I’m late getting over here from FNSI, so I got to see the flimsy before I saw how much work you put into it over the last several days. That’s an amazing amount of sewing in such a short time. 🙂 Great work!

  3. Just discovered your website – wow, you are giving me ideas! I am about to start my first PSQ, and I might try one of your patterns. Thank you for writing good tutorials.
    Iris, Koeln/Germany

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