12 thoughts on “Cutting For A New Project

  1. I usually cut most, if not all my fabric before I start seeing. It’s kind of like eating my peas before the rest of the meal. I HATED peas (usually canned) when I was a kid. Lol…

  2. It depends on the project and my mood. If there are tons of pieces requiring hours of cutting, I’ll break it down and get it all done. If it’s a smaller project, I might cut as I go. However, I’ve learned (the hard way) to be sure I read through the cutting instructions first, to be sure I know what’s coming up in case there’s a specific cutting instruction I need to pay attention to.

  3. I pre cut all the blocks, then make one so I know how it goes. I don’t cut the borders until I have the top together. I change my mind about the material to use, so I’m safe not pre-cutting the borders. I put my own quilt kits together for retreats this way. I didn’t have far to travel this year….my sewing room! LOL.

  4. Both! One I completely cut – it is a big quilt, mostly if I’m on retreat I will partially cut sections, like HSTs in groups of 8, so I’ll cut the large squares in readiness. With your Irish Stars I have most cut beforehand – still not finished (hanging head in shame!) – but that was for the stars themselves and the light rectangles and squares. The square block centres are from scraps. With Bonnie Hunter mysteries I have cut a few pieces beforehand and if I like the outcome of a smaller section, I’ll add more later.

  5. I cut as I sew. If not, I make a mess and lose track and never finish the project. I still have one quilt all cut out that I never sewed, because I lost track of what was happening! I might cut several blocks that are the same, but it’s just easier for me to cut as I go.

  6. I’ve done it both ways, but I usually cut the pieces before sewing. I find it makes the sewing go faster and therefore keeps me more motivated.

  7. I cut everything to make 4 blocks, see how they go together, stitch out and how they look together (even though I use EQ8, I’m still a visual/tactile person and like to SEE it.) If I’m satisfied I cut the rest of the quilt pieces. If I don’t like what I see, I’ve got a mini-quilt 🙂
    So I guess I do a bit of both.

  8. Good question! I cut out the blocks then I cut the borders after the center is finished. I have discovered that I don’t like doing a little at a time because I have a mess for a long time, and I want to sit down and sew not get up and cut some more.

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