A Few Small Things–FINISHED

The three baby quilts I was working on for the past month or so are now FINISHED!

All three were quilted on Friday, bound Saturday/Sunday and will soon be with the intended owners–my parents–for future gifting.

I feel very successful.

First up is Construction. It is based on a FREE pattern found HERE: http://www.allpeoplequilt.com/quilt-patterns/wall-quilts/warm-breeze

Second is Floating Stars.  It is based on 4″ squares with the contrasting stars scattered here and there.  Nothing fancy, but I really like the colors and simplicity coordinated with the backing.

And, to wrap up this batch, Cars.  Thanks to Sew Fresh Quilts for their darling design ideas–the pattern is for sale HERE: https://www.etsy.com/listing/535802933/car-quilt-block-pattern-pdf-instant?ref=shop_home_active_32

SO, unless a baby pops out unexpectedly, I think that is all my baby quilts for the year.  My goal was 10 and this is a total of 11.  YAY!

14 thoughts on “A Few Small Things–FINISHED

  1. Congratulations on all these beautiful finishes! Each of these quilts is super sweet. And the backings are as cute as the fronts. You did a fantastic job of the quilting and bindings, too! Hope you have a wonderful visit with your parents, Deanna!

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