Irish Star Quiltalong: Progress Update

Many of you reported on your progress, and some sent pictures.

Neralie (a beautiful name) in Australia has already finished a small one!  And she has another planned.  It took my breath away to see one finished.  Amazing!


Ruth has been cutting and cutting–two days worth.  Her color scheme is so pretty!

Meloney is sewing blocks–she has 46 of 81 chain blocks complete.  Her color scheme is very controlled and will be striking.

P1010404Randy’s also has controlled colors…and she has a very nice design wall.


Claire created this solids-only beauty at her Fall Retreat using 3-inch squares.  It finished at 45″ x 45″.

NW Irish Star 1

And here is part of Mel’s–looking good on her design wall.  Even with such a tight color scheme, it is anything but boring!

If I missed your picture, I’m sorry.  Don’t be afraid to point it out and I will try again.

Now, back to sewing!

10 thoughts on “Irish Star Quiltalong: Progress Update

  1. Ruth’s shows a broken picture for me. The others are so gorgeous! As soon as I finish Amanda Jean’s leader-ender quilt, I’ll be starting this one!

  2. Lovely simply lovely. I love blue, but it would be a hard pick with them all. I haven’t been able to get much done lately. I’m finally getting stronger from my heart attack. But not ready yet to try a quilt. Beautiful job everyone.

  3. Deanna,
    I am making a queen sized quilt and still cutting 2″ squares. Do you have any idea how much solid blue yardage I would need for the stars? How much solid white or I do have some white on white polka dots…would that work?


    1. I believe about 2-3/4 yards will be enough for the stars, but I would get 3–just to make sure. You may also want to use the same fabric as the binding–for a queen quilt that will be between 1/2 and 3/4 yard, depending on the width of your binding.

      For the background, I believe 3-1/2 yards will do it. White on white could be lovely, if you have enough.

Thanks for taking the time to comment. It is nice to hear from you.