Quick (Wedding #4) Quilt

Well, this is wedding quilt #4 for the year.  And it is only June.


The daughter of a friend of Husband is getting married in July and he asked me to make a quilt.  As he supports (endures) my quilting every day, I try very hard to accommodate on the rare occasions he asks me to make something specific.

The couple have a modern/earthy look to their apartment.  Hmmm….


I hope to quilt it before the end of the month and have a finish to share then.

9 thoughts on “Quick (Wedding #4) Quilt

  1. Love this quilt. Did you know that you have a couple of fourpatches turned around or is that the plan? They are in the bottom row of the first picture and the fourth block in from the right hand side. The one above it is turned around too!

  2. Very well blended color combination, very pretty. I am sure the bride will be thrilled with it. Who in their right mind wouldn’t be absolutely thrilled to receive such a beauty as this? Even if it didn’t match perfectly with the bedroom, I can picture a young couple cuddled up under it on the couch watching a great movie, or having it folded in half draped over the back of the couch ready for instant comfort, or a surprise overnight guest.

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