Finding Something Special

Saturday morning Husband and I visited a few yard sales. At the very first one, I spotted something nearly too good to be true.

Really?! ONE DOLLAR?!

“Yes,” said the woman running the sale. “My grandmother always said it was her mother’s. It is 100 years old.”

It isn’t 100 years old. But it might be 70 or 80 years old.

In remarkably good condition, except a few popped seams.

I fixed those up with tiny stitches and then faced a daunting decision: To wash or not to wash.


And there was a good reason why.

Finished size: approximately 58″ x 70″.

What a special and unexpected find on a sunny Saturday morning.

12 thoughts on “Finding Something Special

  1. What a find!!!!! My best find was a lone star years ago, hand pieced and quilted. Half the diamonds were strip pieced with scraps, most about 1/2 inch wide finished. It was $3 and required no repairs. It hangs in my bedroom and reminds me of this quilter’s hard work and use of what she had, no matter how small.

  2. I’m stunned she would sell it at all, but at $1??? I’m so glad it came to YOUR home, where it will be appreciated.

  3. Wow, amazing that they would let that go for $1!! Wonderful find for someone like you that will take care of it and cherish it!

  4. Oh my goodness! What a treasure you’ve unearthed. I’m glad it found its way to you to be appreciated and loved and well cared for. Fabulous! {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne

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