Show And Tell–That Happy Time

Seeing your projects made using WeddingDressBlue tutorials makes me very happy.  So happy, in fact, I share the pictures with all my readers.  Which encourages them to make more projects.  Which they share with me.  Which makes me happy again.  Yep, this entire blog is a conspiracy of quilting and happiness!

Here is a striking version created by Charlene of Calico Rose using black background fabric.  It makes the “arrow” secondary pattern show up much more, don’t you think?   I like the piano key border, too.

black calico rose.jpg

Moira built this nice variation on Build-A-Baby.  I like the corners.


Linda has a finished Calico Rose top, too. She conquered those borders!


I am particularly honored that Gaby chose Hundred Hugs as her very first quilt.  She is off to a great start in the joyful world of quilting.


Bonnie’s Calico Rose is FINALLY (her words, not mine) finished.  She did a nice job and is waiting for the next quilt along.  I really need to get one put together.

Calico rose 2

Yvonne is working along on a Film at Five.  It started out to be a baby quilt, but just kept growing.  She is using all black in the “filmstrip” sashing.


And, finally, Martha has been stitching away.  She shared three quilts:  Calico Rose, Film at Five and Stutter Steps.  All darling baby-size versions.




Thank you all for sharing and for supporting WeddingDressBlue.  I have been very quiet lately, but I am on Spring Break this week and have several things I hope to show you soon.  In the meantime, you all keep sewing for me!


6 thoughts on “Show And Tell–That Happy Time

  1. Beautiful quilts all of them. Everyone can be very pleased with their exquisite color choices and creativity. Congratulations most especially to Gaby Her quilt is gorgeous.
    I really love all of these projects, Every one shares inspiration

  2. That’s a conspiracy I can get behind. =) I always love seeing what people do with your patterns. I may have to make a baby one with the black background. That looks so amazing … and my squares are adding up fast!

  3. Thank you so much for sharing! I love seeing different versions of the same quilts. I had never noticed the arrows in Calico Rose before.

Thanks for taking the time to comment. It is nice to hear from you.