Sparkle Jane Has Been Bee-zy

Sparkle Jane (Daughter) has reached that age where friends are getting married and having babies.  Her friend of many years is due this fall and Sparkle Jane wanted to make her a wonderful and unique quilt.


Here it is!

The bee blocks are her own design.  The sunflower is adapted from a picture. And the squares, of course, are scrappy goodness.

It will be quilted soon and ready to go when the baby arrives.  Minky is planned for the back. Any suggestions for quilting?

12 thoughts on “Sparkle Jane Has Been Bee-zy

  1. This is absolutely adorable! I love those plump pollinators! And the hints of pink are precious. As for quilting, I’ve never quilted minky so I’m not sure what to suggest other than keep it simple and soft. I guess what I am trying to express is not to overquilt it so it maintains it’s drape and cushy softness.

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