Second Chances Quilt: Fruit Loops

Diane sent me a Second Chances Quilt challenge. She had started this quilt and even cut much of the fabric.

Hmmmm…what to do? I didn’t want to build the tesselated star, but the fabric was already in triangles and rectangles.

Sudden inspiration struck…the triangles could be saved. I could cut a 2″ square and a 1-1/2″ square from each one. Yes, there was some waste, but not as much waste as doing nothing with it at all.

I decided to make snowball blocks in two sizes–6″ and 3″.

Each 6″ blocks uses 4 2-1/2″ colored squares and 2 3″ colored squares. Also, 1 2-1/2″ background square and 2 3″ background squares.

Each 3″ block uses 4 1-1/2″ colored squares and 2 2″ colored squares. Also, 1 1-1/2″ background square and 2 2″ background squares.

I can make a more complete tutorial in the future if needed. The finished size of this one is 36″ square.

It was fun to explore such a different look with a print background.

The final result brings a smile to my face. It has already been gifted to a coworker who needed a smile, too.

8 thoughts on “Second Chances Quilt: Fruit Loops

  1. That turned out so well… I’d love to give it a try, and I’d love a tutorial…I’ve made several of Quilts from your clear tunes over the years…thanks

  2. This brings a smile to my face too! All those lovely little gardens! You did a beautiful job with fabrics that might not have been your first choice. Great thinking outside the box, and being able to pivot a project from languishing on a shelf to something worthy of a smile.

  3. YES! Do a tute…I like the way you use the background fabric for the center block…I’d call mine: ‘Life Savers’

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