4040, And Counting

When I first had the idea to create a Film at Five quilt based on 1-1/2″ squares, it seemed so innocent.

At this point, using it as mostly a leader-ender, there are 100 25-patches for the centers and 220 sashing strips for between the blocks. Yep, 4040 pieces later, and there is still a long way to go.

Ah, well, quilting requires not so much patience as persistence. After all, the longest seam stitched so far is only 5-1/2″. Mere seconds. You just have to be willing to do it a few thousand times.

It shall be finished, but not for a while. Perhaps sometime during the summer.

4 thoughts on “4040, And Counting

  1. Oh my goodness 4040! I’ve been working on 1.5 inch nine patches. Sometimes leader and enders and sometimes (mostly really) I take them along to my quilting group and the most I’ve managed in the time there is 8 – less if I join the washing up team! I am enjoying it though – I’ll stop when I’ve run out. The boxes are dwindling with squares. I think Film at Five will sort out my 2 inch piles! Still working on the Irish Stars in between – they are by the machine!

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